Uh oh! Why did they take the Morgan Wallen sign off of Mile High Stadium?

Apr 15, 2024, 5:00 PM | Updated: Apr 16, 2024, 12:31 pm

Two weeks ago if you drove by Empower Filed at Mile High Stadium on I-25, you saw a Morgan Wallen sign promoting his June shows on the north part of the stadium. If you drive by now, you’ll still see a sign for the Zach Bryan show, some rock shows and a monster truck show, but Wallen is gone.

I am not trying to start any rumors here, and I promise I have no insider info, I am simply speculating, but could it be because of Wallen’s chair-throwing drama?

Maybe the stadium just doesn’t want to be associated with a guy who’s charged with multiple felonies?

Or could it be people who know the situation think Wallen could be serving jail time and have to miss the Denver shows? His initial court date is May 3, so the timing could work out for this theory to be true. That being said, the event is still listed on the venues website, and you can still purchase tickets…

Of course, maybe the wind just blew it down or it got its allotted time and pulled down for no other reason than it was time. Again, I have no idea, but I do feel like there could be more to this. Stand by!

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