Numerous Denver Area Schools Closed or Closing Early This Week Because of the Heat
Sep 6, 2022, 4:47 PM
If your kid tells you that they get to skip, or leave, school early tomorrow because it’s too hot, they actually probably aren’t lying.
With record temperatures right around 100 today, tomorrow, and Thursday around the Denver area, many schools that don’t have air conditioners are calling off school or letting students leave early before the afternoon heat arrives.
According to 9News, Denver Public Schools said these schools will be closed on Wednesday and Thursday;
- Barret Elementary
- Columbine Elementary
- Knapp Elementary
These following schools will be released early Wednesday and Thursday because of the high heat:
- Elementary schools
- Denison Montessori
- Asbury Elementary
- Cory Elementary
- Park Hill Elementary
- Stedman Elementary
- Ellis Elementary
- Bradley Elementary
- Sabin World School
- Steele Elementary
- Bryant-Webster Elementary
- McMeen Elementary
- Polaris Elementary
- Traylor Elementary
- Goldrick Elementary
- MSLA – Rishel Campus
- Doull Elementary
- Whittier ECE-8
- University Park Elementary
- Carson Elementary
- Middle schools
- Lake Middle
- McAuliffe International
- Skinner Middle School
- West Middle
- High Schools
- Manual High
- Thomas Jefferson High
- George Washington High
- West High
Denver Montessori will only dismiss early on Thursday.