National Western Stock Show Throwbacks
Jan 11, 2021, 11:08 AM | Updated: Mar 23, 2024, 8:38 am

We are celebrating all things Stock Show! Let’s take a trip through the collection of video highlights from around the grounds, special interviews, kids programs, horse show performances, and a rodeo replay of the 2020 Pro Rodeo Finals.
You can also “Represent” at your next Zoom meeting with one of our free iconic Stock Show backgrounds. Be in the historic Yards, the rodeo arena, or with your favorite baby animals. Download today and show your love of Stock Show! Click here to download yours now!
January 23 – Kids Special: Scavenger Hunts: Join everyone’s favorite rodeo clown, Justin Rumford as he leads kids on a #nwss scavenger hunt! Special guests from Denver Museum of Nature & Science, History Colorado, and Colorado State University.
January 22 – A Longstanding Tradition: The Auction of Junior Livestock Champions: Interviews with Bruce and Buck; interspersed with historic photos. Hosted by Doug Jones.
January 21 – Honoring the Legacy…Building the Future: An in-depth look at the campaign, the new National Western Center and what it means for the Stock Show. Hosted by Pete Coors.
January 20 – Educational Programs at the NWSS: From tired and true to brand new. A discussion about education and the Catch-a-Calf program and the Denver Scholarship Program. Hosted by Pat Grant with special guests Sue Anschutz-Rodgers, Ben Duke and Steve Bangert.
January 19 – Youth Equestrian Programs: National Western Youth Equestrian Program Participants (part 2): A look into the youth horse programs. Hosted by Paul Andrews and Nancy Tuor with special guests from the Horse Executive Committee: John Weaver, Dr. Beeman, and youth horse participants.
January 19 – Youth Equestrian Programs: National Western Youth Equestrian Program Participants (part 1): Paul Andrews and Nancy Tuor interview participants from the National Western youth equestrian programs to learn more about their experiences and what Stock Show means to them.
January 18 – Revisiting the MLK Jr. Heritage Rodeo: History of the MLK Jr. Heritage Rodeo with hosts Paul Andrews and Valeria Howard-Cunningham.
January 17 – Sunday Afternoon at the Legacy Building: Take an in-depth look at the National Western Stock Show’s future world headquarters, the Legacy Building, with Pete Coors, Doug Jones, Paul Andrews, and David Tryba of Tryba Architects.
January 17 – Wild West Highlights: Some of our favorite highlights from the Wild West Show.
January 17 – Cowboy Church: Founders Memorial Service: National Western Stock Show’s 2021 Virtual Cowboy Church and Founders Memorial with evangelist Dr. Alveda King and a musical performance by Dolly Parton!
January 16 – Best of the yards!: Take a look at some of our favorite views of the yards!
January 16 – Kids Special: Riding & Roping: From spills to thrills: lessons only cowboys and cowgirls can teach you.
January 15 – In-depth Interview with Cervi Rodeo: Paul Andrews interviews Mike and Chase Cervi from Cervi Rodeo Company, the stock contractor of 50 years for the National Western Stock Show. Learn about how Mike started Cervi Rodeo, how they care for their animals and some of their fondest memories of Stock Show.
January 14 – Tour of the Yards with Paul Andrews & Ron Williams: Take a tour of the new Ron & Cille Williams Yards that will open at the 2022 National Western Stock Show!
January 14 – Introducing the Stockyards Event Center: Walking tour celebrating the Stock Yards Event Center and what to expect in 2022. Hosted by Paul Andrews, with special guest Buck Hutchison.
January 13 – PBR Highlights: A look back on some of our favorite PBR highlights.
January 13 – Stock Show Icons: Ed Greene sits down with Stock Show Icons including Don Manuello, Dr. Marvin Beeman, Dr. John Matsushima, Pat Grant, Chuck Sylvester, and Paul Andrews
January 12 – The Hat Lady: Watch an interview with Pete Coors and the “Hat Lady,” Coleen Orr on the history of hat making and a demonstration.
January 11 – Opening Weekend 2020: We sure missed celebrating all the fun events of opening weekend with you. Take a look back at all the fun we had in 2020!
January 10 – Colorado Fiddle Championships Mashup: Get your Fiddle Fix: one of our favorite opening weekend events is the Colorado Fiddle Championships.
January 10 – Highlights of the Mexican Rodeo Extravaganza: Celebrating the cultural pageantry and traditions of the Mexican Rodeo Extravaganza presented by Hutchison Western.
January 10 – An Update on the Live Stock Center and the Bricks and Branding Wall Programs: The NWSS capital campaign, Honoring the Legacy, offers an update on the Livestock Center along with the bricks and branding programs. Interviews with Sue Anschutz-Rodgers, Doug Jones, and Paul Andrews.
January 9 – Kid’s Special: Buffalo Bill Stories: This week’s NWSS kids program is the story of Buffalo Bill told by Jim Salestrom.