Grandma’s trick to get rid of those pesky Colorado miller moths

May 22, 2024, 3:48 PM | Updated: May 23, 2024, 5:49 am

Those nasty, dusty, ugly butterfly-looking miller moths are back to drive you crazy. This year experts predict a rise in moth numbers all across Colorado because of the wetter than normal weather, so you can choose to get used to them, or use my grandma Dorothy’s old remedy to get rid of them.

Although they don’t hurt you, and wont eat tonight’s dinner out of the pantry, they are more than annoying. Maybe it’s their size, maybe it’s their reckless flight, or that “dust” that they’re covered in, but something about these little buggers drives me crazy!

Growing up I remember my grandmother being deathly afraid of “millers,” and keeping a bowl of soapy water in every room of her house to catch them. After having three of them fly at my head in the studio over the last few days, I am thinking about setting up a few of my grandma’s “miller booby traps.”

How To Get Rid Of Moths –

  • The two main “eaters” of Miller moths are swallows and grizzly bears. Because it may cause more problems to keep a wild bird or bear around the house to take care of the moths, most active house cats, and even some dogs, enjoy a Miller or two from time to time as well, and have fun catching them too.
  • Oh, and my grandma’s soapy water trick does work too. Suspend a light bulb over a bucket partially filled with soapy water. Moths attracted to the light often will fall into the water and be killed. If this is attempted some wetting agent, such as soap or detergent, must be added or many moths will escape.

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