Beyond The Badge – Officer Kyle Maddox

Jan 18, 2018, 1:07 PM


We’re proud to salute Officer Kyle Maddox!

Officer Maddox has been employed with the Lone Tree Police Department for over 5 years.  In 2017, he was assigned to work in the department’s Community Partnership Unit.  This meant he had the responsibility to be the School Marshal at 2 elementary schools (Lone Tree Elementary and Eagle Ridge Elementary) in our city and multiple other duties in the city.

In May of 2017, Officer Maddox planned and organized an Open House event in the parking lot of the PD where hundreds of citizens were able to meet our officers, take a tour of the Police Department, learn more about SWAT, K-9, Dispatch, and other units, and got to sit in actual police vehicles.  Officer Maddox organized quarterly COFFEE WITH A COP events and different restaurant locations in the city where members of the community were invited to come and get to know their local community police officers and ask questions.

Officer Maddox also led two 9-week sessions of the Lone Tree Police Department Citizen’s Police Academy.  Citizens get a chance to take classes on arrest control, police driving in our cars on our drive track, domestic violence and DUI investigations and many other topics.  This experience allows citizens to get a better understanding of the job police officers and faced with day-to-day while also having some fun and building a rapport with their police department.


In today’s culture, there is a great need for police agencies to build a trust and professional image with the communities they serve.  Officer Maddox was recognized for his great work and was recently promoted to the rank of Corporal.  Corporal Kyle Maddox embraces the spirit of Community Policing and was able to reach hundreds and perhaps even thousands during the 2017 year and represented the Lone Tree Police Department and consequently, all of Law Enforcement in a collaborative and professional manner.


Thank you, Officer Maddox – for going Beyond the Badge.


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