Beloved Museum in Denver is Closing Next Year
Dec 12, 2023, 4:47 PM

(Photo by Magdalena Tröndle/picture alliance via Getty Images)
(Photo by Magdalena Tröndle/picture alliance via Getty Images)
If you love cars or movies, or maybe a little of both, there is a really cool, unique museum in Denver called the Rodz & Bodz Movie Car Museum. Sadly, the museum as it’s currently known will be closing in 2024.
The museum features cars like the Smokey & The Bandit Trans Am, cars from the original Fast & the Furious movie and many other original and replica movie cars.
The museum has been inside of the Colorado Mills Mall since 2021, but recently announced that it will be closing its current location inside of the mall and has begun looking for a new home.
On its official Instagram page, the museum announced that it would not be renewing its current lease inside of the mall, and will close at the end of April.